
How much revenue will the tax measure generate?

Roughly $6 million annually.

How much does restoring the engine cost?

Roughly $2.5 million annually, which will allow for restoring services elsewhere.

How much does a Daly City citizen pay for fire protection?

Daly City residents pay the least amount in San Mateo County for fire protection and if the tax measure is passed the residents will see a small increase in payment.  This will then put Daly City 9/10 for per capita costs for fire protection.

 Will this help with response times and save lives?

Yes, with an engine strategically located in District 95 firefighters will be able to respond to fires and other emergencies faster and potentially save lives and render care asap.

What is the difference between an engine and a truck?

An engine is a pumper with a water tank. The engine extinguishes the fire with their hose and water. A truck is like a big tool box that is equipped with many tools. A truck typically responds to car accidents, cliff rescues and fires. Both have paramedics and respond to medical emergencies.

How many engines does Daly City have?

Daly City has 5 districts with one fire engine and one truck in District 5 that covers all of Daly City plus Pacifica and Brisbane.

 How many firefighters work each day?

Daly City currently has a minimum of 16 firefighters on duty a day.  With the restoration of Engine 95 the minimum would increase to 19 a day. 

 How many paramedics on a day?

Each piece of apparatus is required to have at least one paramedic on it but there could be more.